Cancer Screening Day
Dear Pet Parent,
Finally, there is a blood test for early cancer detection in dogs. For the first time, your veterinarian can detect cancer with a routine blood draw.
OncoK9 is a first-in-class multi-cancer early detection (MCED) test. It utilizes the same cutting-edge genomic sequencing technology that has revolutionized early cancer detection in human patients.
Santaluz Animal Care is offering our first-ever Cancer Screening Day featuring OncoK9.
DATE: Thursday, June 30
TIME: From 8 am to 5 pm
Additional benefits of doing this test on or before June 30th.
- All participants will get a $200 Amazon Gift Card provided by OncoK9.
- Any patient who tests positive will also receive up to $1,000 in additional screening diagnostics at Santaluz Animal Care at no charge to the client to help prepare for cancer treatment.
Cancer is by far the single most common cause of death in adult dogs — approximately six million are diagnosed with the disease annually in the United States. Unfortunately, it is typically diagnosed in an advanced stage, when treatment options are limited. All too often, it cuts short the lives of dogs who might have enjoyed many healthy years with their families had the disease been found sooner. Early detection provides the greatest chance of a successful outcome.
OncoK9 can detect 30 different cancer types, including eight of the most common cancers in dogs. It is recommended as an annual screening test for all dogs starting at 7 years of age and potentially at younger ages for dogs belonging to breeds that are predisposed to cancer.
As with any laboratory test, OncoK9 results should be interpreted by a veterinarian in the context of each patient’s medical history and clinical presentation. The test is available by prescription only.
To participate in our Cancer Screening day and save your spot, please call us today at 858-258-5590.
See you soon!
The Pet Loving Team at Santaluz Animal Care