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Feeding Fido A Holistic Diet

June 15 2022

Are you going green? Join the club! Many people are becoming more aware of the benefits of reducing exposure to and intake of various chemicals and toxins … which, unfortunately, also includes many ingredients in both human food and pet food. Our canine pals can also benefit from a holistic lifestyle. However, there are some things to consider here. A Rancho Santa Fe, CA vet offers some advice on feeding Fido a holistic doggy diet in this article.


Why serve Fido holistic food? The same reason you would want to eat healthy foods yourself! A good, balanced diet contributes to your furry friend’s health and well-being in several ways. For one thing, you’ll know your beloved pet is getting actual nutrition, rather than empty calories. You’ll also be reducing his intake of less-desirable ingredients, such as corn syrup, which is bad for both you and your pup. There are also many health benefits. To learn more about the benefits of holistic pet care, check out our article on ‘7 Great Ways To Celebrate Holistic Pet Day‘. Ask your vet for more information.


When going holistic, the biggest thing is often just getting into the habit of reading labels. Unfortunately, that can be tricky. Companies use all sorts of slick marketing tactics to tout their products … which sometimes means that things look healthier than they actually are. For dogs and cats, you’d want meat, fish, or poultry to be listed first and most often on the label. Avoid products that contain a lot of fillers, unidentifiable ingredients, and/or preservatives.

Raw Food

There has been a raging debate over the pros and cons of feeding dogs raw food in recent years. Yes, it will get Fido’s tail wagging and yes, it is closer to what his ancestor, the wolf, still eats today. However, there is also an increased risk of your pooch ingesting dangerous bacteria and/or contracting parasites. Err on the side of caution here, and follow your vet’s recommendations.

Homemade Food

Want to make Fido’s food? Go for it! This is a great way to ensure that Fido is getting quality ingredients, and avoiding anything he may be allergic to. Just be careful with recipes. There are plenty available online, but that doesn’t mean they are right for your four-legged friend. A Great Dane puppy has very different nutritional needs than a senior Chihuahua! Ask your vet for specific advice.

Our Advice on Feeding Fido A Holistic Diet in 2024

What specific ingredients should pet owners look for when selecting a holistic dog food?

When selecting a holistic dog food, pet owners should look for high-quality, recognizable ingredients. Meat, fish, or poultry should be listed as the first and most frequent ingredients, ensuring a primary source of protein. Whole grains like brown rice or oats and a variety of fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals. Avoid foods with fillers, artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. Ingredients such as sweet potatoes, blueberries, and flaxseed offer additional health benefits. Consulting with a veterinarian can provide guidance tailored to a pet’s specific dietary needs.

How can pet owners determine the appropriate serving sizes and caloric intake for their dogs when feeding a holistic diet?

Pet owners can determine the appropriate serving sizes and caloric intake for their dogs on a holistic diet by consulting their veterinarian for tailored advice. Factors such as the dog’s age, weight, breed, activity level, and health condition influence dietary needs. Holistic dog food packaging often includes feeding guidelines based on weight, but individual adjustments may be necessary. Monitoring the dog’s weight, body condition, and energy levels helps ensure they receive the right amount of food. Regular veterinary check-ups ensure the diet meets the dog’s nutritional requirements and supports overall health.

Are there any potential risks or drawbacks associated with feeding dogs a holistic diet?

Feeding dogs a holistic diet can have potential risks and drawbacks. One concern is the variability in ingredient quality and nutrient balance among different brands, which may lead to deficiencies or imbalances. Raw food diets, often part of holistic feeding, pose risks of bacterial contamination and parasites. Homemade diets, while customizable, require precise formulation to meet all nutritional needs, which can be challenging without veterinary guidance. Overlooking specific dietary requirements for a dog’s age, breed, or health condition can result in health issues. Consulting a veterinarian ensures a safe and balanced holistic diet.

How can pet owners transition their dogs from a traditional diet to a holistic one in a safe and gradual manner?

To transition dogs from a traditional diet to a holistic one safely, pet owners should do so gradually over 7-10 days. Start by mixing a small amount of the new holistic food with the current diet, gradually increasing the proportion of holistic food while decreasing the traditional food. Monitor the dog for any signs of digestive upset, such as vomiting or diarrhea, and adjust the transition pace if needed. Ensure the holistic diet meets the dog’s nutritional needs by consulting with a veterinarian. This gradual approach minimizes digestive issues and allows the dog to adjust comfortably.

How do the nutritional needs of puppies and senior dogs differ when it comes to holistic feeding?

Puppies and senior dogs have distinct nutritional needs that must be addressed in holistic feeding. Puppies require higher protein and fat content to support rapid growth and development, along with essential nutrients like DHA for brain development. In contrast, senior dogs benefit from lower calorie content to prevent obesity, along with increased fiber for digestive health and joint-supporting nutrients like glucosamine and chondroitin. Antioxidants are crucial for aging dogs to boost immune function. Consulting with a veterinarian ensures that the holistic diet is tailored to meet the specific life stage requirements of each dog.

Need professional veterinary care for your pet? Our clinic offers Vet Nutrition & Weight Management services to help you develop a customized holistic diet plan for your dog. As your trusted pet clinic in Rancho Santa Fe, CA, we are committed to providing the best care for your furry friend. Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime!

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