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New Years Eve Pet Safety

December 15 2021

Season’s Greetings! It’s hard to believe we’re into the last days of 2021! As you start making plans for New Year’s Eve, keep your furry best friend in mind. This can be a pretty scary – and dangerous – night for pets. A Rancho Santa Fe, CA veterinarian offers some pet safety tips in this article.

Offer Safe Haven

Having a party? Your furry best buddy may be more comfortable in a quiet space, away from the noise and commotion. If Fido is crate trained, put him in his crate with comfy bedding, toys, and treats, and turn on a radio or TV to mask the background noise. If your pup gets frightened easily, ask your vet about using pet-calming products, such as treats or sprays.

Mask The Noise

The noise of fireworks is one of the main issues here. Pets don’t really understand the sounds or commotion, and can get very scared by the noise. If you have a yard for Fido to run and play in, bring him in before it gets dark. If you need to walk your canine pal after sunset, use a sturdy leash, one that won’t snap if he gets spooked and tries to bolt.

No Booze

Alcohol is definitely not safe for our furry companions. In fact, even imbibing just a little bit can make your pet very sick. This of course also applies to marijuana and all other drugs.


There’s nothing wrong with giving your four-legged friend a special treat for the holiday. Just be sure to stick with safe, suitable options. Some good choices are plain, cooked meat, fish, or chicken, without the skin, bones, or fat. You can even make some holiday cookies for Fido using dog-friendly ingredients.


Before the festivities start, take time to walk and play with your canine companion. Try to wear him out if possible. If Fido is tired out after exploring some trails and playing Fetch, he’ll probably be calmer, and hopefully ready for a nap.


You don’t want to go overboard and completely coddle your dog. However, it is important for Fido to feel safe. Check on your canine buddy regularly. You may also want to get him a comfort item to snuggle with, such as a blanket or a plush toy.

Looking for quality veterinary services in Rancho Santa Fe, CA? We’re your local animal clinic and committed to providing excellent care to your furry friend in 2022 and beyond. Please don’t hesitate to contact us anytime!

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