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Hug Your Dog Day

April 1 2021

Hug Your Dog Day is coming up April 10th. We think all dogs deserve to be hugged, petted, and given lots of treats and belly rubs! However, there are a few things to keep in mind when hugging Fido A Carmel Valley, CA vet offers some tips on how to observe this special occasion in this article.

Doggy Affection

Dogs all have their own personalities. Some are basically fuzzy attention hogs, that just want to be petted 24/7. Others are much more timid. It’s important to know how to read doggy body language. For instance, one common misconception is that a wagging tail is always a sign that a dog is happy. In truth, our canine pals also wag their tails when they are feeling nervous, threatened, or frightened. Think of it as a sort of nervous tic. As the holidays approach, consider how to safely include your pet in the festivities by reading our tips on “Thanksgiving With Fido.”

Before Hugging A Dog

You should never just walk up to any dog—other than your own—and hug them. Hold out your hand for sniffing first, and offer toys and treats. Talking to Fido can also go a long way in terms of helping him feel comfortable with you. Hopefully this goes without saying, but you should also never hug someone else’s dog without asking permission.

When Not To Hug A Dog

Our canine companions don’t process information the same way we do. They also have very different body language. In fact, Fido sees hugging as a sort of dominance. This isn’t likely to be an issue with your own pet, but it can be problematic if you are trying to hug other dogs. This is one area where it’s best to err on the side of caution. Never hug a strange pup, or one that seems uneasy.

Dogs That Need Hugs

There are just too many dogs out there in desperate need of hugs. Even with many people rushing out to adopt pets this year, due to the pandemic, shelters are far from empty. This is a great time to adopt a dog! Of course, that’s a huge decision, and not one to take lightly. If you aren’t ready to bring a new furry buddy home, consider doing something for a sweet homeless pup. Donations are always appreciated, but you may also want to look into fostering or volunteering.

As a provider of exceptional veterinary services in Carmel Valley, CA, we are committed to delivering the best possible care for your pets. Please don’t hesitate to contact us today! If you are concerned about your dog’s dental health or simply want to maintain their overall well-being, learn more about our “Veterinary Dentistry” services to ensure your pet’s teeth and gums stay healthy.

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