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Benefits Of Holistic Pet Care

March 1 2022

Have you heard of holistic veterinary care? It’s becoming more and more popular, and with good reason. It offers some wonderful—and unique—benefits. A local Rancho Santa Fe, CA vet lists some of them in this article.

Whole-Body Health

As you may know, the term ‘holistic’ actually means ‘whole body’. Holistic practices really focus on healing from the inside out. That entails a few things. Nutrition, for one, is very important. Many holistic practices also incorporate limiting the amount of toxins and chemicals your pet is exposed to. This will all basically help the body’s systems get the fuel they need to function at their top performance, and can reduce or eliminate ingestion of and exposure to harmful substances. In the spirit of reducing exposure to harmful materials, consider how you and Fido can participate in Earth Day by reading “Earth Day With Fido: Pups And Plastic.”

Preventative Care

You’ve heard the saying about how an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure? That’s also part of the philosophy behind holistic care. Chinese herbal therapy, for instance, can gently support the body’s own systems and/or help correct imbalances, helping prevent illness. Acupuncture, chiropractic, and even massage can help keep your pet’s muscles supple and ensure good circulation, which is key to delivering oxygen and nutrients to Fido’s cells.

A Gentle Touch

We don’t mean to imply that veterinarians who don’t use holistic care are rough; to the contrary, many of them are wonderful at what they do. Holistic care, however, also focuses on your pet’s emotional well-being and preventing stress and anxiety. Energy work, such as Reiki healing, can help soothe nervous pets, which can in turn facilitate better health and healing.


Another great thing about holistic care? It works very well with traditional veterinary medicine. This allows us to offer our furry friends the best of both worlds. That said, it is important to consult your vet before beginning holistic treatments. For instance, Chinese herbal therapy is a wonderful natural alternative. However, herbs may not play well with traditional medicines. Always err on the side of caution!

Peace Of Mind

One of the biggest benefits of holistic care is that it is very safe. Most of the treatment options present little or no risk of side effects. They’re also very gentle, which is a big plus for many people. What’s not to love?

Do you have questions or concerns about your pet’s health? Want to learn more about holistic care? Contact us, your local Rancho Santa Fe, CA veterinary clinic for top-notch veterinary services! Our comprehensive “Veterinary Diagnostics” services play a crucial role in both traditional and holistic veterinary care, helping us identify the best treatment options for your pet’s unique needs.

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