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Creating a Dog-Friendly Yard

January 15 2021

Do you have a yard for your pup to run around in? If so, that’s great! Dogs should live inside, with the rest of the family, but they do enjoy and benefit from having space to run and play. Why not give your place a pupgrade this year? Read on as a Rancho Santa Fe, CA vet lists some things you can do to make your yard more fun for Fido.


Be sure to inspect your fencing regularly, and make sure that Fido can’t jump over it or dig under it. If you think your canine pal may try to make himself a little escape tunnel, bury chicken wire along the fence line and weight it down with rocks.

Ground Cover

Did you know that mulch can be dangerous for dogs? Fido could get painful paw splinters from stepping on the pieces. Some dogs will even try to eat the mulch, which is a huge choking hazard. Why not go for a more dog-friendly ground cover? Thyme, buffalo grass, and artificial turf are all good options.

Kiddie Pool

Does your canine buddy love to splash and play? Get him a kiddie pool to enjoy when it’s hot out. This can also make for some adorable photos.


Want to really get that tail going? Get your pup a doghouse! Fido will love having his own little spot to hang out in. There are some things to keep in mind here, however. Additionally, it’s important to take precautions to ensure your dog’s safety during the Halloween season, as discussed in our article ‘Keeping Your Pet Safe on Halloween‘. When getting the doghouse, don’t get one that’s too big. You want your furry pal to think of his house as a comfy little den. Also, avoid pressure-treated wood: the chemicals used to process it aren’t safe for dogs.


Do you have a four-legged pirate on your hands? Does Fido keep digging up the flowerbeds? Get your pooch a sandbox to play in. If your dog knows where the goodies are, he may leave the rest of the yard alone!

Remove Toxic Plants

This one is crucial! Many popular plants, such as Sago palms, are toxic to dogs. Foxtail grasses are also unsafe. You can find more toxic plants listed at the ASPCA website here. Remove anything dangerous. (Note: be sure to pull the roots out, so it won’t grow back.)

Our Advice on Creating a Dog-Friendly Yard in 2024

What specific dimensions and materials are recommended for a safe and secure dog fence?

A safe and secure dog fence should be high enough to prevent jumping over, typically at least 6 feet tall. It’s essential to check for gaps where a dog might squeeze through and to reinforce the base to deter digging. Burying chicken wire along the fence line and weighing it down with rocks can effectively prevent escape attempts. Avoid using pressure-treated wood for any part of the fence that a dog can chew on, as the chemicals used in the wood treatment process can be harmful to dogs.

What are the ideal dimensions and materials for a doghouse based on the size of the dog?

The ideal doghouse should be cozy enough to retain the dog’s body heat yet spacious enough to allow them to stand, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Typically, the doghouse should be just large enough to accommodate the dog’s size plus about 25% extra space for movement. The height should be about 25% taller than the dog’s standing height. For materials, natural wood is preferred for its insulation properties, but it’s crucial to ensure it’s not pressure-treated to avoid exposing the dog to toxic chemicals.

How often should a dog’s sandbox be cleaned or replaced to maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of parasites?

To maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of parasites in a dog’s sandbox, the sand should be cleaned at least once a week by removing feces and other debris. Additionally, the entire sandbox should be replaced with fresh sand every six months. Regular cleaning is crucial to prevent the buildup of bacteria and parasites that can thrive in soiled sand. Using a cover for the sandbox when it’s not in use can also help maintain cleanliness by keeping out wildlife and reducing contamination from external sources.

What are some safe, dog-friendly plants that can be added to the yard to enhance its appearance?

For enhancing a yard’s appearance while ensuring it’s safe for dogs, consider plants known for their non-toxicity to canines. Safe options include sunflowers, rosemary, and snapdragons, which add vibrant color and variety. Creeping thyme and buffalo grass are excellent for ground cover, providing a lush, durable surface for dogs to play on. These plants are not only aesthetically pleasing but also hardy and low maintenance, making them ideal for a dog-friendly landscape.

What are some eco-friendly and pet-safe alternatives to traditional pesticides and herbicides for maintaining a healthy lawn?

For maintaining a healthy lawn that is both eco-friendly and safe for pets, alternatives to traditional pesticides and herbicides include using corn gluten meal as a natural pre-emergent herbicide and fertilizer. Vinegar can be effective as a spot treatment for weeds. Additionally, planting pest-repellent plants like lavender and marigolds can naturally deter pests. Encouraging beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, which consume aphids, can also help control pest populations. These methods reduce the need for chemical treatments, promoting a safer environment for pets and enhancing lawn health.

Please reach out if ever we can be of assistance. In case of a pet emergency, our clinic offers ‘Critical Care’ services to provide immediate medical attention when your furry friend needs it most. At our animal clinic in Rancho Santa Fe, CA we are committed to providing exceptional veterinary care for your pets. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your furry friends receive the best care possible.

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