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Resolutions for People With Frisky Cats

January 1 2021

Happy New Year! And to your feline buddy, a Happy Mew Year. Kitties actually celebrate their new year tomorrow. This is a great time to get Fluffy a new toy. Cats are very lively, which is one of the things that makes them such fun and entertaining pets. If you have an active, playful kitty, read on! Here, a Rancho Santa Fe, CA vet lists a few things to add to your resolutions!

Pet proofing

Cats may be small, but they have a huge capacity for getting themselves into mischief. Remove or secure anything that could choke or entangle your furball, as well as anything that is toxic. This includes things like plastic bags and ties, toxic plants, medication, household and automotive chemicals, and anything small or sharp.

Make Time To Play

Playing is very important for kitties: it offers them exercise, stimulation, and entertainment. (Plus it’s cute.) It’s important for cats to have some things they can use alone, like catnip mice. However, it’s also crucial for Fluffy to have toys that you can control, such as wand toys, remote-controlled playthings, and, of course, laser pointers. (Note: always pick up wand toys after using them. Your playful pet could get entangled if she tried to use one by herself!)

Offer Fun Toys

Cats all have their specific preferences for toys. Some love chasing that little red dot from a laser pointer, while others would rather bat around a fuzzy bird toy on a string. (There are also kitties that prefer bottlecaps, but that’s another topic.) Give Fluffy a variety of playthings, and see what she likes best. For more ideas on how to keep your cat entertained and engaged, check out our article on “Keeping Your Cat Entertained“.

Make Your Home Fun

Cats don’t need a lot of room. However, they will get bored with nothing to do but stare at the walls all day. Make your place into a little kitty luxury palace by adding things like nontoxic plants, newspaper tunnels, and boxes for your furball to investigate. Fluffy will also appreciate vertical space, such as a cat tower. She should also have at least one comfy window seat with a good view.

Encourage Good Manners

Kittens often try to practice their hunting skills on their humans. This is bad petiquette! Discourage this behavior by reprimanding Fluffy vocally. Then, ignore her until she decides to behave.

As your veterinary specialist in Rancho Santa Fe, CA, we want to extend our warmest wishes for a wonderful new year. Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime for any veterinary needs. To ensure your cat stays healthy throughout the year, consider learning more about our “Pet Wellness Plans” that offer comprehensive care tailored to your pet’s unique needs.

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