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Heartworm Prevention

April 1 2023

April is Heartworm Prevention Month. Heartworms may not be the most pleasant topic to discuss, but they are definitely an important one. Read on as a Carmel Valley, CA vet goes over some basics of heartworm infestations and preventions.

Life Cycle

Heartworms do not spread through direct contact or infested environments. They are transmitted by mosquitoes, who transport larval heartworms, which are known as microfilariae, via the blood of an infected pup. Once a dog is infected, it only takes about six months for the worms to reach adult size—at which point they look like spaghetti—and start multiplying.

Health Risks

The name ‘heartworm’ is a giveaway as to the specific dangers these disgusting worms pose. Adult worms infest dogs’ hearts, as well as their lungs and arteries. As one can imagine, any interference with these vital organs is very dangerous. Unfortunately, if left untreated, heartworms are often fatal. 


Heartworms are primarily a concern with dogs. However, they also infect foxes, coyotes, and wolves. Kitties, unfortunately, are also at risk. Fluffy’s physiology isn’t as hospitable to the worms as those of canids, so it’s pretty uncommon to find cats with severe infestations. However, even a single worm can be deadly to her. 


It’s important to know what to look for. Coughing and fatigue are usually the first two things you will spot. You may also notice Fido losing interest in or even becoming reluctant to run and play. Other warning signs include weight loss, reduced appetite, and a swollen tummy. As the infestation progresses, those symptoms may become more severe, and may include things like fainting, coughing up blood, and heart attacks. If you notice any of these signs, taking Fido to the vet immediately is crucial.

Keeping Fido Safe

There are treatments available for heartworm. However, these can be expensive, and also aren’t much fun for poor Fido, who may have to be on a very low activity schedule for a while. It’s both safer, cheaper, and easiest to protect your pet. There are several different heartworm prevention products on the market, such as oral chews and injections. It’s also important to have your furry buddy tested regularly, which is part of our veterinary wellness and pet vaccination services, and keep an eye out for the symptoms listed above. Even the best products may not provide 100 percent protection, as there is some evidence of certain strains becoming resistant. Ask your vet for more information. 

Our Advice on Heartworm Prevention in 2024

Are there any natural or holistic approaches to heartworm prevention that have been scientifically proven to be effective?

Currently, there are no scientifically proven natural or holistic methods that effectively prevent heartworm disease in dogs. The primary means of prevention are FDA-approved medications, which include oral chews, topical applications, and injectables. These treatments have been rigorously tested and proven to prevent heartworm infestations. While some may seek natural alternatives, these do not provide the same level of efficacy and protection. It is crucial to rely on proven prevention methods and regularly consult with a veterinarian to ensure the health and safety of pets.

What is the success rate of heartworm treatment in dogs, and what factors can influence the outcome of treatment?

The success rate of heartworm treatment in dogs can be high, but it is heavily influenced by the severity of the infestation at the time of diagnosis and the overall health of the dog. Early detection and treatment generally result in better outcomes. Factors such as the dog’s age, the presence of other health conditions, and how advanced the heartworm disease has become can affect recovery. Strict adherence to the prescribed treatment regimen and activity restriction are crucial to increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Are there any long-term health consequences for dogs that have been successfully treated for heartworm infections?

Dogs that have been successfully treated for heartworm infections can still experience long-term health consequences. The damage caused by heartworms to the heart, lungs, and arteries can be significant and irreversible, leading to chronic heart or respiratory issues such as heart disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Dogs that have undergone treatment may also have a reduced exercise tolerance and require ongoing management to monitor their cardiovascular health. These outcomes emphasize the importance of early detection and continuous preventative measures to avoid the severe impacts of heartworm disease.

How do the symptoms of heartworm infection in cats differ from those in dogs?

Heartworm infection symptoms in cats differ significantly from those in dogs, largely due to cats’ distinct physiological response to the worms. While dogs may show gradual signs such as coughing, fatigue, and reluctance to exercise, cats often exhibit more acute and severe symptoms. These can include sudden collapse, rapid breathing, or even sudden death. Some cats may show intermittent vomiting, which is not a common symptom in dogs. Due to these differences, heartworm disease in cats is often misdiagnosed as asthma or other respiratory conditions.

What steps can pet owners take to minimize their dog’s exposure to mosquitoes?

To minimize a dog’s exposure to mosquitoes, pet owners should take several proactive steps. Eliminate standing water around the home, such as in plant saucers or bird baths, to reduce mosquito breeding sites. Use mosquito repellents approved for pets, and consider installing screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes out of the home. When outside, avoid walking dogs during peak mosquito activity times, typically dawn and dusk. Additionally, using mosquito-proof bedding and kennels can help protect dogs during periods of high mosquito activity.

As a trusted vet clinic in Carmel Valley, CA, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with us for your furry companion. Contact us today to book your pet’s next appointment!

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