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Santaluz Animal Care

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Fear Free Certified Practice
AAHA Accredited
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Dog Bite Awareness

Did you know that over 4.5 million people are attacked by dogs each year in

FAQs About Microchipping Pets

In the month of May, we focus on spreading awareness about the significance of pet

Helping Your Kitty Beat The Heat

Summer isn’t far off now. While we may still have a few months before the

Earth Day With Fido: Pups And Plastic

Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd. This year, the theme is combatting the

Today’s Spotlight: Bull Terrier Dogs

It’s Bull Terrier Day! We’re happy to turn the spotlight on this loyal, outgoing, and

Meow This: A Rancho Santa Fe, CA Veterinarian Discusses Catios

March 15th is an exciting day for Fluffy: it’s National Catio Day! Many of our

Doggy Brainpower: How Smart Is Fido?

Some of our canine companions are incredibly intelligent. A typical dog can pick up more

Ways To Make Your Pet Feel Loved

Pets are amazing companions: they offer comfort, friendship, endless snuggles, live entertainment, and, perhaps most

Getting Your Pet Fixed

Valentine’s Day is approaching, and love is in the air. Stores are filling with romantic
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