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Taking Fido To The Vet

August 1 2023

Does your canine companion get nervous at the veterinary clinic? Going to the doctor can be overwhelming for dogs. For one thing, it’s an unfamiliar environment. There are also lots of unfamiliar smells to contend with, including the scents of other nervous dogs. Understandably, that can be overwhelming for Fido. We’ve gone all-in on the Fear Free method, which focuses on making veterinary appointments easier on pets. However, there are also things you can do to help things go smoothly. A Rancho Santa Fe, CA vet lists some of them below.


Is your pooch extremely nervous about appointments? Keep this in mind when scheduling. It may be best to get him in early, or at a time that’s less likely to be crowded. That’s one benefit of going with a Fear Free veterinarian. We make every effort to soothe nervous dogs and make friends with them, so they’re more at ease for their exams. In extreme cases, we may offer calming products to help our canine patients relax. Talk to the clinic when making the appointment.


Before your furry friend’s appointment, take time to walk and play with him. Fido will hopefully be a bit tired after a good doggy workout, and will naturally be calmer. You may also want to take your pooch for a walk at the clinic, and just let him sniff around and get his bearings a bit. This can be especially helpful during stressful times, like New Year’s Eve pet safety when there may be more noise and commotion than usual.

Positive Reinforcement

This one may not work for every appointment: if Fido’s just gotten fixed, it’s best to just get him home so he can recuperate. However, it’s not a bad idea to get into the habit of taking your pooch to a park or even a drive-thru after his appointments. This can help him form a more positive association with visiting his doctor.

Don’t Skip It

Don’t hold off on veterinary care, even if you know your canine pal would prefer to go to the park or take another nap. Preventative care can prevent many illnesses and diseases. Plus, skipping exams and screenings may mean leaving an issue untreated. In the long run, that will cause a lot more problems than a trip to the clinic. Our comprehensive veterinary services are designed to keep your furry friend healthy and happy. Healthy pets are happy pets!

Our Advice on Taking Fido To The Vet in 2024

Are there any particular signs or behaviors that indicate a dog is experiencing extreme nervousness or anxiety about their vet appointment?

Dogs exhibiting extreme nervousness or anxiety before vet appointments may show several signs, including excessive panting, trembling, hiding, or attempting to escape. They might also display unusually aggressive behaviors, such as growling or snapping, or more passive ones like excessive drooling or yawning. These symptoms suggest significant distress. For owners observing such behaviors, it’s crucial to communicate these concerns with their veterinarian, who can adjust the approach to make the visit less stressful, potentially using methods like the Fear Free approach or prescribing calming products beforehand.

How far in advance should an owner schedule their dog’s appointment if they know their pet is prone to nervousness?

When scheduling a vet appointment for a dog known to be nervous, it is beneficial to plan this in advance, particularly during less busy times such as early morning or mid-week slots. This timing allows for a quieter environment, which can help reduce the dog’s stress. Discussing the dog’s needs with the clinic can also ensure they are prepared to implement stress-reducing strategies like the Fear Free method. Ideally, giving a few weeks’ notice provides ample time to accommodate the dog’s specific requirements and prepare any necessary calming interventions.

What should an owner do if their dog exhibits extreme fear or aggression during the vet appointment?

If a dog exhibits extreme fear or aggression during a vet appointment, the owner should immediately notify the veterinary staff. Trained professionals can implement Fear Free techniques designed to calm and reassure the animal. In cases of severe anxiety or aggression, the veterinarian might suggest rescheduling the appointment and possibly prescribing pre-visit pharmaceuticals to ease the dog’s stress. Additionally, employing a gradual desensitization process to the clinic environment prior to appointments can help mitigate fearful reactions in future visits. Communication between the owner and veterinary staff is crucial to managing these situations effectively.

How often should a dog visit the vet for preventative care check-ups?

Dogs should visit the vet for preventative care check-ups at least once a year. This annual visit allows for a comprehensive health assessment, including necessary vaccinations, parasite control, and dental evaluations. For puppies, more frequent visits may be required to complete their initial vaccination series. As dogs age, or if they have specific health issues, veterinarians may recommend more frequent check-ups, such as every six months, to monitor conditions and adjust care as needed. Regular visits are vital for early detection and prevention of health problems.

What are some common illnesses or diseases in dogs that can be prevented or caught early through regular veterinary care?

Regular veterinary care can prevent or catch early a range of common illnesses in dogs, including heartworm disease, flea and tick-borne diseases, and parvovirus. It also plays a crucial role in managing chronic conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, and dental disease. Early detection of cancers and kidney disease through routine screenings can significantly improve management options and outcomes. Vaccinations and regular check-ups help maintain a dog’s overall health and can prevent serious complications from developing, ensuring a healthier, longer life for the pet.

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Are you interested in learning more about Fear Free? Contact us, your Rancho Santa Fe, CA pet clinic, today!

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